By filling out the information below you can request that your myCloud domain including all associated user accounts are deleted.
myCloud accounts can be created from various sources including links from the WiseMo Host and the WiseMo Guest available in Google Play.
For security reasons, only the primary contact and administrator can request the account deletion.
* Required.
The above information will be validated and processed by WiseMo. A confirmation email will subsequently be sent to the primary contact and administrator account. If the deletion is confirmed, the domain will be deleted within a working week.
Caution: Deleting a myCloud domain is permanent and cannot be recovered!
- The email address used to create a domain automatically becomes an administrator and the primary contact. If you are an administrator but not the primary contact, log in to myCloud (at and assign the Primary contact role to the administrator email address you will use for the deletion and confirmation.
- Trial domains will automatically expire after 1 month. Expired trial domains will automatically be deleted after 1 month.
- Subscription domains that are not renewed will enter courtesy period of 1 year where they can be renewed. A subscription domain that is not renewed will be automatically deleted after 18 months.
- All data is then deleted except system log events that are kept for 18 months . Financial records, general backup and customer contact on e.g. email are kept for at least 5 years.
- Web site logs may be kept for up to 5 years
- Unverified domains are automatically deleted after 10 days.
- See also the privacy policy for myCloud.